Born on October 16, 1947. She slipped out of her skin and headed home on Wednesday January 10, 2018.
Like many children, Jeanne grew up believing herself unlovable, yet to her endless amazement and disbelief, and for reasons she never understood, she has been loved by many in her lifetime. She is eternally grateful for all of them.
As a child, Jeanne hungered to learn. She was taught and loved by several of her teachers, and so, of course, she became one. She continued to teach over much of her life, most often at universities. Because she was loved and saved by teachers, she did her best to love and save every student she met. She failed miserably at times. Yet, every once in a while, one of her former students got in touch with her years later to tell her she had made a difference in their lives, and for that Jeanne is grateful.
For a number of years, Jeanne also served as a chaplain to and with many people she loved. She did her best to offer love, comfort and hope, and sometimes succeeded. That work, even more than teaching, deepened her understanding that love is everything.
At different times in her life, Jeanne was a public speaker, a writer, a visual artist, a retreat director, a religious educator, preacher, lector and Taize prayer service facilitator. She sought, and sought to create, beauty in the world and to love, encourage and serve others.
The hardest and most important work of Jeanne's life was parenting her three children, Shelley Elizabeth Barone, Stephen Michael Barone, and Blue Barone Neustifter. Jeanne failed at the work of parenting often and succeeded some. Her children taught her far more than she ever taught them. She is grateful for and proud of each of them for who they are still becoming. She loves them, their partners and all their families and furry friends with complete abandon.
In recent years Jeanne was uncountably blessed by the experience of grandparenthood to two beautiful, gifted and incredibly loving human beings. Her gratitude for these remarkable children is without measure. Her last years were also gifted immensely by two wonderful dogs, Spirit and Soul, whose love sustained her.
Throughout her life, Jeanne has been accompanied, instructed, challenged, gifted, sustained, teased, loved and saved by her siblings Kathy Caulfield, Bob Tessier, Jan Tessier, Mary Hunt and Nancy Jo Tessier. She loves them, their spouses and/or partners, their children and grandchildren and all their animal friends.
Jeanne's entire life has been filled with great friends who have blessed, supported and provided her great joy. She loves them all. In spite of its hard lessons, Jeanne's life here held so much good and so much love, all of it gift. She is grateful forever for every single soul whose love saved her.
A funeral service, followed by a celebration of Jeanne's life, will be held at Episcopal Church of the Advent, 901 Baxter Ave, Louisville, KY 40204 at noon, Saturday January 20, 2018. An art sale and silent auction of Jeanne's art, as part of the celebration of Jeanne's life, will benefit the Pup Pantry at Episcopal Church of the Advent which provides food for families who struggle to feed themselves and their pets.
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